lamb. 75L Christmas!
Thursday, December 24, 2009

Exclusive Makeups for Designers United III Event (Vaudeville)
Wednesday, December 23, 2009

for more teasers, please visit my flickr page.
And I'm just going to copy and paste some info about the event from the organizers, Lu Waffle & Nil Giha. :)
We are honoured to announce the Designers United Event for the third time.
This time the theme is chosen to be "Vaudeville" and 39 brands are participating the event.
The event place is "Le quartier des boutiques" (Thank you very much Polina Kaestner)
Le quartier des boutiques., extralab (131, 74, 22)
The event begins on the 28th of December (12pm SLtime) and ends on the 6th of January.
We owe a big thank you to all Designers for participating.
We owe a big thank you to all bloggers for supporting.
Please come and enjoy the event!
Participant List:
Boing Fromage
Casa CheerNo
chicada by nilGiha
Hair OH
Kyoot Army
LG Femme
Magic Nook
Royal Blue
Singing Moth
Split Pea
Tacky Star
This is a Fawn
Tiny Bird
Tres Blah
Blogger List:
dango Jewell
Nina Fessbeinder
Puma Jie
Vanity Esparza
Lili Brink
Galliano Boucher
The Stumblebum Brigade Event!
Friday, December 11, 2009

Will be out at midnight at my store in Horst.
Also, Bubbles will also be having some exclusive hair for the event only.

Clawtooth by Clawtooth hair available at Harold.

The stumblebum brigade! Bringing exclusive fashion to YOU! Every weekend 10 designers will be coming out with something unique and exclusive for those 2 days of freedom ONLY, before those poor little items are locked away never to be seen again in the dank caves of their inventory!
This months schedule:
Dec Schedule:
Dec 12-13
1. Tyranny
2. Sn@tch
3. Split pea
4. Haven
5. rbcg
6. Scribble
7. Tres Blah
8. Clawtooth
9. Milk Motion
10. Atomic
Dec 19-20
1. pda
2. Djinn & tonic
3. Lamb
5. Distressed
6.Silent Sparrow
9. Scumpit
10. Lazy Places
graphic By: Kyrsten Jigsaw HEART
50% off 4 packs of hair at Clawtooth!
Thursday, December 10, 2009

Wishing you a lovely holiday season ~ Bubbles Clawtooth
lamb. New Hairstyles!
Thursday, December 3, 2009

Get in this cuddle puddle!
Saturday, November 28, 2009

lamb. 50L Black Friday
Friday, November 27, 2009

It will be midnight soon so you don't have much longer to check out all the stores participating in 50L Black Friday! I'll be taking out the hair I have up right at 12 so be sure to stop by and pick up demos at Tableau while you still can!

New at Tres Blah
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
New at Clawtooth
Saturday, November 21, 2009

lamb. new hair!
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Play it again Sam
Saturday, November 14, 2009
50 Linden Friday at lamb.
Friday, November 13, 2009
lamb. Subscribo Freebie!
Tuesday, November 10, 2009

join my subscribe-o-matic group in tableau!
New chic and cute ponytail at Clawtooth by Clawtooth
Saturday, November 7, 2009
50L Friday and other goodies.
Friday, November 6, 2009
It's that time again darlings, 50L Friday! Bubbles has a special treat for you! The wig "Mrs.Mittens" in a special never before seen color "Girl next door". Also, there is a kitten in the color "Dusty" available for 50L (located next to the wig). You can find the Clawtooth by Clawtooth 50L Friday items at Bubbles Tableau location here: http://slurl.com/secondlife/Tableau/100/128/134 (it's inside the store angels)!

Halloween goodies!
Saturday, October 31, 2009
New revised version of the Mrs.Mittens wig available at Clawtooth by Clawtooth (called Mrs.Mittens 2, how original right?).
Don't forget it's also the last day (Oct 31st) for the special 75L Halloween packs of hair available at the Tableau location only!

Say & Poppyseed
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Skins by: Tres Blah (coming soon)
Clothes by: Nylon Outfitters
Kittens in your hair? Yes please!
Kittens...who doesn't love them? Bubbles loves kittens so much he crafted some that have been trained over grueling months to sit perfectly atop a Clawtooth by Clawtooth wig. These kittens will be your best friend darlings, they will keep your inner most secrets and never speak a word unless you want them to (click them to make them meow!). The kittens also blink, Bubbles has tried advanced communication techniques with them to try to unlock the secrets of their hearts (blink once for yes, two for no) but it was terribly confusing and only ended in heartache and confusion for all parties involved. The breakdown: Cute kitties sit on your head and blink (and meow when clicked), doesn't get better then that does it sweetheart? No. It doesn't.
The wig is called Mrs. Mittens and it's a soft swept french twist meets beehive updo. It features sweeping bangs, soft wisps of hair at the back of the neck, sweet tiny bobby pins throughout, and a little spot for a "Mrs.Mittens kitten" to sit.
50L Friday Nerdy Glasses!
Friday, October 23, 2009

Hi all! I'm participating in 50L Friday and I have some pretty snazzy nerdy chic glasses out. Check it out before it goes bye bye. The glasses go down at midnight.
BTW, you'll find the glasses for sale to the left, right outside the store in Horst. Its on a big ol board thing. Also, sorry if this landmark sends you underneath the store, im trying to get that fixed. :/
50L Friday at Lamb!
Since Halloween is quickly approaching.. I decided to do some Halloweeny recolors of my Milk hair. Head down to Tableau and pick yourself up a demo!

Tres Blah Skins finally out
Friday, October 16, 2009

Hi all! Well the time has come and the skins are out. They're located upstairs in the shop.
This also marks the kind of official reopening of my main store in Horst. The wonderful unicorn in which the store sits in was created by the talented Allegory Mallaprop and the amazing shop inside was built and textured by the lovely Turnip Sorbet. Be sure to hit Turnip up if you want something built. ;)
Clothes will be coming very soon along with new makeups in the coming weeks. Also, be sure to subscribe to the tres blah update group at the front of the store and get this cute Halloween satchel. Only available to group members.

Come on by!
Coming this weekend, new skins by Tres Blah
Thursday, October 15, 2009

Howdy! Well, I finally made skins. It was something I never thought I would do but the urge just crept on me so badly, what can I say. This upcoming release is very simple and girly. 10 makeups for each skintone (4), plus a light and dark brow option included with each makeup. I have more sneaky peek pics up on my flickr page, so check that out if you're curious. http://www.flickr.com/photos/tresblah/
New at Tres Blah!
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
New Blouses available now!
Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Howdy ya'll! I have some new blouses out and for now it's only available in a fat pack to help raise some money for the amazing Toast Bard. Hard times have hit and she could sure use your help. All proceeds go directly to Toast.
So, come on by and check out the mini set up we have with items from other great designers such as Lamb Bellic of Lamb hair, Crystyle Bukowski of Pudge, and Apatia Hammerer of Thimbles. They all have new items out to help support Toast. Click here for a direct tp. Catch you later, gators!
New Stuff At Tres Blah
Saturday, February 28, 2009

Hey all! It's been a long time and Tres Blah is slowly waking up from its little siesta. I have news and new stuff coming right at ya.
It's a pleasure and honor for me to announce the opening of a new Tres Blah store on the newly rebuilt Tableau. The sim just reopened and it's packed full of surprises and wonderful builds.
So, to kick off this fiesta of joy, I have 2 camis and a cardigan to help get the party started. There are lots of colors to choose from, so browse to your hearts content.
Also, keep an eye out for the opening of the new Tres Blah build in Horst. It's an amazing unicorn built by the wonderfully talented Allegory Malaprop. It's going to be the bees knees.
Tres Blah at Tableau