New Stuff at Tres Blah

Monday, March 28, 2011

Hi all! I made a Mexican Peasant dress for the Tableau Spring Color Festival.

More clothes and skins will be coming out this week so keep an eye out!

P.S. In case you haven't heard about the festival yet, here's some info

Festival starts on 3/28

Big party extravaganza and photo contest results revealed on 4/2 at 7pm sl time!

Link for the photo contest flickr group:

Photo contest rules: Pictures must be taken in Tableau! All photos must be in the group by 4/1! The theme for the contest is a spring time Mexican fiesta! If you have any questions please contact Toast Bard!

The winner gets a specially decorated retro mobile home and gifts from designers!


Aida Coronado Mexican Dress "A heart in every piece" said...
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Aida Coronado Mexican Dress "A heart in every piece" said...

Hey we appreciate if you give us the credit for the dress design and each time you use our IMAGES and DESIGNS:

Love from Mexico
Aida Coronado

Mexican dresses made with love by

Other wise please STOP using my IMAGES and DESIGNS they are copyrighted material and you are breaking International agreements and laws.