Tis fiesta time because Tres Blah is taking a siesta.
It is with both a bit of sadness and also immense happiness that I announce that Tres Blah will be taking a siesta. The reason behind this is because I was offered a really wonderful opportunity to design for Armidi. I'm pretty sure you all have heard of them and most likely own at least one of their hairs.
I am really excited and happy with this change since I am working with some of the best designers in Second life that include, Emma Gilmour of Surf Co. (aka Hudsen Armidi,) Dakota Buck of Savvy (aka Lindsay Armidi,) and Kat Palmer of Immortelle (aka Katherine Armidi.) And I'm now designing under the name Juju Armidi, which is pretty simple to guess, I suppose.
I want to thank all you babes, so, sooooo much for your support of Tres Blah. All the IMs and blog posts have meant so much to me. Tres Blah will still remain open. I don't have any plans of taking it down. So, if the mood strikes you to get some TB goodness, it's there for you.
I'll also be updating this blog every now and then to announce the new releases I create for Armidi. So, catch you later gators! <3
ZOMG Armidi is really resourcing the best that our fashion community has to offer!
Congratulations on joining the Armidi team. I ♥ Tres blah and am looking forward to donning JuJu Armidi threads along with all the others.
your mom!
My mom loves you too, honky! <3 Thanks for the comments guys! :)
Congrats Julliette! I have to admit, I will miss visiting your little store to check out your new stuffs. You have your own style of building and clothing-making that was very distinct and I liked it very much. That being said, I'm sure I will love your Armidi clothing equally! A steady paycheck is a good thing, and it's even better when you're doing what you love.
I hope to still see you around the grid from time to time!
Congrats on being offered such a terrific outlet for your amazing talents! I know you will do well and make all of us proud to wear your designs - yet again!! All the best to you <3
Jules, I am so proud of you. You do such great work. <3 Juju ARmidi!
I wish you well with your new venture. I hope that your creations at Armidi are as full of girly goodness as those at Tres Blah.
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